Growing through Sport: Light the SPARK!

According to the Search Institute, “sparks” are the activities and interests that truly engage kids to be their best. And when young people know what their sparks are, they are more likely to do better in school, and feel hopeful about their futures. For many kids, sports are a spark. I can totally relate to this, because when I was young, sports was my spark….and they still are!

As a child, I felt like I was good at sports, and therefore gained confidence, a sense of self-efficacy and achievement through my playing. Sports helped me to thrive because I knew what my spark was and followed it.

Search Institute research shows that kids who thrive have two important supports: knowledge of what their sparks are and adults who support the development of those sparks. They say that kids need at least three adults  to nurture the spark. I was fortunate to have parents who nurtured my spark, and coaches in high school and college who further supported my athletic development.

If you have youth in your life, do you know what their sparks are? And, once we know what a child’s spark is, how do we support and nurture their spark to help that child thrive?

Here’s to SuperStarters Sports lighting more sparks, and supporting more kids in 2016!